Gremien im Umfeld von Blockchain & DLT

Um Blockchain- und Distributed-Ledger-Technologien entstehen derzeit viele Projekte in unterschiedlichsten Branchen. Um eine branchenübergreifende Verständigung auf gemeinsamen Definitionen, Begriffe und einer Ontologie zu schaffen, benötigt es die Standardisierungsprozesse.

Blockchain- und Distributed-Ledger-Technologien stellen einen wichtigen Leistungsindikator für die Standardisierungsgremien und -organisationen weltweit dar. Auf internationaler, europäischer und nationaler Ebene arbeiten einige Gremien an Normen und Standards für Blockchain- und Distributed-Ledger-Technologie, von denen folgend einige aufgelistet werden.
Einen weiteren Überblick der Landschaft der Gremien, Initiativen und Standards liefert das Papier ETSI GR PDL 001 (extern).

Internationale Ebene

ISO/TC 307 – Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies

Scope: Standardisation of blockchain technologies and distributed ledger technologies.

TC 307 hat 44 teilnehmende und 13 beobachtende Mitglieder

Working Groups des ISO/TC 307:

  • ISO/TC 307/WG 1 – Interoperability of blockchain and distributed ledger technology systems
  • ISO/TC 307/WG 2 – Security, privacy and identity
  • ISO/TC 307/WG 3 – Smart contracts and their applications
  • ISO/TC 307/WG 5 – Governance
  • ISO/TC 307/WG 6 – Use cases
  • ISO/TC 307/JWG 4 – Joint ISO/TC 307 – ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 WG: Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies and IT Security techniques
  • ISO/TC 307/AG 1 – SBP Review Advisory Group
  • ISO/TC 307/AG 2 – Liaison Advisory Group
  • ISO/TC 307/AHG 2 – Guidance for Auditing DLT Systems
  • ISO/TC 307/SG 7 – Interoperability of blockchain and distributed ledger technology systems

ISO/TC 46/SC 11 – Archives/records management

  • SO/TC 46/SC 11/JWG 1 – Joint ISO/TC 46/SC 11 – ISO/TC 307 WG: Blockchain

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41 – Internet of things and related technologies

Scope: Provide an analysis of the requirements of the market and the status of current standardization activities in JTC 1 and other SDOs. – Identify standardization gaps in the field of the integration of IoT and Blockchain within the scope of JTC 1/SC 41. – Study the requirements for IoT use cases of using Blockchain. – Study a fusion framework of IoT and Blockchain. – Study the requirements of interoperability between IoT and Blockchain. – Identify and recommend any potential new project(s) on the integration of IoT and Blockchain.

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 – Telecommunications and information exchange between systems

  • ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6/AG 1 – Networking for blockchain (AHG-NB)

ITU-T FG DLT – Focus Group on Application of Distributed Ledger Technology

– to identify and analyse DLT-based applications and services;
– to draw up best practices and guidance which support the implementation of those applications and services on a global scale; and
– to propose a way forward for related standardization work in ITU-T Study Groups.

IEEE Blockchain Initiative

The IEEE Future Directions Committee, represented by the societies of the IEEE, has approved the formation of the IEEE Blockchain Initiative (BLK) effective January 1, 2018. The BLK will be the hub for all IEEE Blockchain projects and activities. The BLK encompasses a comprehensive set of projects and activities supported by the following core subcommittees: Pre/Standards, Education, Conferences and Events, Community Development and Outreach, Publications, and Special Projects.

Europäische Ebene

CEN/CLC/JTC 19 – Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

Preliminary scope: To prepare, develop and/or adopt standards for Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies covering the following aspects: – Organizational frameworks and methodologies, including IT management systems – Processes and products evaluation schemes – Blockchain and distributed ledger guidelines – Smart technology, objects, distributed computing devices, data services The JTC will focus on European requirements, especially in the legislative and policy context, and will proceed with the identification and possible adoption of standards already available or under development in other SDOs, which could support the EU Digital Single Market and/or EC Directives/Regulations. Special attention will be paid to ISO/TC 307 standards. If required these standards will be augmented by TRs and TSs.

ETSI ISG PDLIndustry Specification Group (ISG) Permissioned Distributed Ledger (PDL)

Nationale Ebene

NA 043-02-04 AA – Blockchain und Technologien für verteilte elektronische Journale

Der NA 043-02-04 AA ist das deutsche Spiegelgremium in DIN zu ISO/TC 307 und CEN/CLC/JTC 19.

Scope: Der NA 043-02-04 AA “Blockchain und Technologien für verteilte elektronische Journale” spiegelt auf nationaler Ebene die Aktivitäten des internationalen Technischen Komitees ISO/TC 307 “Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies”. Auf europäischer Ebene spiegelt der NA 043-02-04 AA die Arbeiten des CEN/CLC JTC 19 „Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies“. Die Einbringung der deutschen Interessen in die europäische und internationale Normung wird im NA 043-02-04 AA als das Hauptanliegen gesehen.

DKE/AK 901.0.5 – Energy Blockchain

Der DKE/AK 901.0.5 „Energy Blockchain” ist eine Expertengruppe, die die praktischen Anwendungen der Blockchain Technologie untersucht und die Erkenntnisse in die nationalen und internationalen Expertengruppen der Normung einbringt.